
Low Latency

The edge of low latency

In today’s trading environment, low latency is crucial for trading success. For both professional and retail traders, ultra-low latency—or the absence of it—can significantly impact a strategy's effectiveness. You require ever-lower latency and faster fill times, which drives our commitment to investing in technologies that enhance execution speed.

We tackle latency head-on by co-locating our trading engine with those of our liquidity partners. This setup connects you to their liquidity pool through a 10 Gbps cross-connect, ensuring zero data congestion.

The trading engine

Unlike some brokers, our trading engine is purpose-built for trading excellence. Beyond its blazing speed and power, it features advanced components for ultra-fast data routing, ensuring both speed and reliability. Housed in the secure EFX1 suite at Equinix LD4, this robust system includes a powerful gateway capable of processing 10,000 trades per second with zero delays. This gateway provides a direct link to prime pricing from our liquidity partners.

For added security, a twin machine located in a separate data center in mainland Europe backs up your trades in real-time. In the unlikely event of a failure, your trading will continue seamlessly.

Trading Engine
High-speed inter-server routers
Proxy servers to cut down latency
SmartNIC ASIC cards to optimize traffic processing
Backup trading engine to provide failsafe environment


We share the same location with our liquidity providers to reduce the latency.

Ultra-Fast Routing Switches

Ultra-fast routing switches

Low latency switches built for market data distribution route data at speeds well below 1 microsecond.

Committed to Speed

Committed to speed

Our commitment to achieving faster trading speeds is unwavering. We constantly develop and upgrade our network with the latest technologies as they become available. While leasing hardware rather than owning it may incur higher costs, it provides us with the flexibility to swiftly adopt cutting-edge technology.